(Play in full screen)

WASD/Arrow - Move

Mouse - Aim

Left Click - Use Alchemy while next to an object, after collecting the philosophers stone to shoot as projectile

Shift - Dash

E - Interact while standing on the upgrade you want to pick

Tips: Pick up debris left behind by wooden projectiles to conjure up boxes (3 debris = 1 box)

You're a Shade, Servant of the Darkness that is trying to lurk in the shadows and reclaim the Shadowlands from your conquerors, misled by their God. There are enemies lurking everywhere, with torches in hand to ward of Shades such as the player. The player must absorb the Philosopher’s Stone, guarded by these cultists to use their God’s power against them - the power of Alchemy. Player uses this temporary power to fight off enemies, and make their own essence stronger by getting upgrades after every room.

Sieze the philosophers stone on the level to gain the powers of alchemy and use their objects against them. Some projectiles turn into debris that can be used to conjure up boxes if you run out!

Find the GDD here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qZ4s7deGfJRfmvk8EyB27IsPNW6zat7AnMADM9iY5cw/...


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graphcis and sounds are really nice! You've got a good foundation here. I couldn't really figure out how to kill the enemies. Good job though! keep making games!

Ahh my controls should have been clearer, sorry! Left click near an object will turn it into a projectile that fires towards where you're aiming!

This was such a cool Game with a banger soundtrack and really nice pixel art. I really liked the gameplay even tho it got a bit clunky at some parts but that is probably just a skill issue. The final boss was cool even tho he didn't dissapear after I killed him and I couln't use alchemie anymore. But other than that it was a really nice and fun game. Good jo

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing the game and your kind comments! Yes, I ran out of time for the submission so there are a few bugs, and this is all I could manage. Another day and I could have smoothed the rough edges!